A profession with a legal framework that provides Notaries
and heirs with a full range of guarantees.
& guarantees
Probate genealogy is governed by Article 36 of the Law of 23 June 2006 reforming inheritance and gifts.
The BLAISE Genealogical Office is also a member of:
• The French Chamber of Probate Genealogists (Chambre des Généalogistes Successoraux de France) created in 1947. This was the first professional governing body.
• Généalogistes de France (Genealogists of France) which brings together the main trade unions and is a
signatory of the Code of Professional Ethics of the 30 January 2019, which sets out the professional ethics. Access the Charter.
All of our genealogists are holders of a professional license and specific authorizations issued by the Interministerial Service of the Archives of France.

When a genealogist certifies a devolution of an estate, he incurs his professional liability. As a member of the French National Chamber of Genealogists, Etude BLAISE is covered by professional third-party liability insurance and a financial guarantee taken out with MMA IARD Assurances Mutuelles 14 Bd Marie and Alexandre Oyon 72030 le Mans Cedex 9, PLI policy no. 127120692 and AMLIN INSURANCE SE 58bis Rue de La Boêtie, 75008 PARIS– Financial Guarantee policy: 2018PFC007.
This insurance provides the Office's clients with important protection; protection that covers both civil and financial liabilities.
In accordance with Article R616-1 of the French Consumer Code, the consumer may refer to the Consumer Ombudsman appointed by the Commission for Evaluation and Control of Mediation and Consumption (Commission d’Evaluation et de Contrôle de la Médiation et de la Consommation): Généalogistes de France and Généalogie Professionnelle: Mr Gérard Gaucher, 51, Ch. des Grands Moulins 69400 GLEIZE.
Site Internet

Personal data
The information collected is electronically processed; to be used for finding heirs/legatees/beneficiaries of life insurance policies which are based on the fulfillment of the estate disclosure agreement.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679), you have the right to access and rectify your personal data. If you wish to exercise this right, simply send us a written request via the "Contact" page or by email to our Data Protection Officer: AXIL CONSULTANTS DPMS 4 rue de Lamblardie 75012 Paris.
Maître Robert FÈDE, Honorary Judicial Commissioner-Auctioneer, is a consultant to the office for the valuation of movable assets and jewelry dependent on estates. He is a graduate of the National Chamber of Auctioneers and the National Institute of Gemmology.